Beastie Boys Announce Anti-Hate Rally After Swastikas & Pro-Trump Messages Found In Adam Yauch Park

BYTrevor Smith8.9K Views
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The surviving members of the Beastie Boys are standing up against messages of hate.

The Beastie Boys have announced an anti-hate rally after graffiti depicting swastikas and the words "Go Trump" were found in the Brooklyn Heights park dedicated to late member Adam "MCA" Yauch. 

The group tweeted out a response to the troubling images today, writing "Hate has no place in Brooklyn, NYC, or America. Join us on Sunday to stand against hate messages." The post also included a photo of the graffiti, which has reportedly now been covered up. Police are currently investigating.

A rally will take place in the park tomorrow (Sunday, November 20th), and according to Rolling Stone, will be lead by New York state senator Daniel Squadron, congresswoman Nydia Velazquez and city council members Stephen Levin and Brad Lander.

The New York City mayor's office has also released a statement, encouraging all residents of the city to report any acts or messages of hate that they see or experience.

Beastie Boys Announce Anti-Hate Rally After Swastikas & Pro-Trump Messages Found In Adam Yauch Park
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<b>Features &amp; News Writer</b> <!--BR--> Trevor is a music writer currently based in Montreal. Follow him on <a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter</a>.