Waving his cellphone, and sporting a mean scowl and a noticeable belly, Soulja Boy sent a video post on Instagram, asking Chris Brown to sign the boxing contract so they can square up later this year.
The Mississippi rapper suggested that Brown was getting cold feet, saying he signed up for the fight "a week ago." He captioned the video, "Don't get scared now. Ain't no backing down. You challenged me to a fight now let's get it."
"Ya'll remember, he the one that called me out," the Draco rapper said. "What you waiting on? [...] Sign that motherfuckin' paperwork nigga. Stop playin'."
Replacing a busy Floyd Mayweather, retired boxing champion Evander Holyfield is now teaching Soulja the rudiments of the sweet science. This clip comes on the heels of Breezy's deleted video earlier today, where he stated that they "gon' set this fight up" and made veiled threats at someone who liked to put on a "superhero costume."