Watching porn is a global phenomenon, and Pornhub’s 2016 Year In Review proves that. The most popular porn aggregator in the world is notorious for collecting and publishing massive amounts of data, which they share liberally. Looking into this year’s report, we find some surprising (and not-so-surprising) statistics.
Most hilariously, Kim Kardashian is the most searched and viewed porn star on the site among Americans, which is probably not something the social media star would be proud of. Guess you can’t really escape your past after all. The United States also watch the most porn per capita, proving the US has to be #1 at everything they do. People in the United States searched for “big booty latinas,” “big black dick” and “ebony” porn more than anyone else, so shout out to us for diversity. We also love us some good old fashioned lesbian porn, along with the oddly specific search term “lesbians scissoring.”
Looking at individual state data, the South clearly holds it down with the top three longest sessions going to Mississippi, Alabama and Arkansas. Meanwhile, the shortest sessions are owned by Oregon, Utah and Kansas. We won’t make any conjectures on what that pattern means, aside from the fact that the South might have slower internet speeds? The average visit time for US visitors also increased by almost 30 seconds. Pat yourselves on the back, Americans.
Read the whole report for way, way more information than we could include here, from gender breakdowns to reports on other countries’ porn watching habits.