Simon Sez

BY Rose Lilah 94 Views
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**Just Added**Give Simon Sez a spin - it's the latest release from Teyana Taylor, having dropped on Wednesday, December 22nd, 2010.

Stream Simon Sez, the newest drop from Teyana Taylor. The cut was released on Wednesday, December 22nd, 2010. Things are looking better for Teyana Taylor with each new release, which Simon Sez has proven yet again. It's worthy addition to the impressive body of work Teyana Taylor has been developing over the years. We're looking forward to hearing what's next.

Have you heard Teyana Taylor's Her Room? If you're down, make sure to visit Teyana Taylor's profile page for the newest info, news, songs, and mixtapes. Make sure to hit Teyana Taylor with a follow and/or like on Facebook and Twitter.

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About The Author
<b>Editor-in-Chief</b> <!--BR--> Rose Lilah updates HNHH daily, while also managing the other writers on-staff and all HNHH contributors. She oversees site content in general, whether that be video, editorial or music. Not so unlike Kanye, she just wants one thing out of life: dopeness. <strong>Favorite Hip Hop Artists:</strong> Atmosphere, Eminem, Sir Michael Rocks, Jay Z, The-Dream, Curren$y, Drake, Ab-Soul, Boldy James, Outkast, Kevin Gates
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