Following the release of "Thug Life," Nipsey Hussle and Young Thug have continued to collaborate, sharing some new footage of a recent studio session on Snapchat and other social media. Throughout the various (now stitched together in one YouTube video) we hear the majority of a new record, which features some powerful organ chords, and a ferocious Thug verse. Watch the clips above, and let us know what you think of the new material. We know that these two are both known to work quickly, could they be turning around a whole joint project? Either way, we need the CDQ version of this record as soon as possible.
It also looks as though Lil Durk and Mozzy were in the same session, so we could have some incredible music coming our way.
Nipsey Hussle & Young Thug Share Preview Of New Collaboration
BYTrevor Smith100 Views
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Nipsey Hussle and Young Thug are in the studio.
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<b>Features & News Writer</b>
Trevor is a music writer currently based in Montreal. Follow him on <a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter</a>.