Despite his successes as a rapper, 50 Cent has arguably been more successful in the business world in the past couple of years. SMS Audio, his high-end headphones company, is largely responsible for that, and is the subject of a new interview with the Wall Street Journal. Watch 50's interview above.
In it, Fif and President Brian Nohe hint at some big news for SMS:
"We're working with a major technological company and soon to announce a very major new product," said Nohe.
"There's certainly enough room for major players [in the premium headphones category]," Nohe explained. "The industry is evolving to really look at the delivery system, the headphone device, the iPhone or Android smart tablet, and they're starting to see these things as an ecosystem that you work with. So, yea, there's plenty of room out there."
Stay tuned for a potentially huge announcement for SMS Audio.