Nas Performs "The World Is Yours" At SXSW

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Watch Nas perform his old classic, "The World Is Yours," at South By Southwest.

While this year has been marred by an unfortunate incident, SXSW season rolls on, or as it's otherwise known: make-everyone-who-is-not-currently-in-Austin-jealous season.

Perhaps the jealousy meter will reach its tipping point knowing Nas rolled out a terrific performance of his all-time-classic, "The World Is Yours." Fortunately for us though, we get the next best thing: video coverage of the event.

Okay, it's not the same thing, but at least this time around it's (gasp!) professionally recorded (our apologies for those who were hoping that the vid was captured on someone's iPhone). 

After you're done checking out Nas' sick performance, peep this picture of Jay Electronica chilling with the legendary rapper. 

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