Darryl "DMC" McDaniels of Run-DMC Talks Mental Health In New Video

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DMC tells it like it is.

Darryl "DMC" McDaniels is part of one of the greatest rap groups of all time, Run-DMC. However, it wasn't always easy being one of hip-hop's Kings of Rock.

In a new video that can be viewed on Facebook, McDaniels talks about how his struggle with drinking and depression distanced himself from his group mates right as they we're getting back into the music scene in a big way during the mid-1990's. He spoke specifically about isolating himself from those who could've helped him, because in short, he didn't think anyone would understand.

However, the rapper was able to get his life on track. He says that therapy was a large part of his turning over a new leaf, by actually addressing emotional issues that he'd let linger for many years. He closes the video with the very simple of advice of not being afraid to speak up if you feel there's something amiss with your mental health. "If you don't admit how you feel, you will never heal." Wise words from a hip-hop legend.

Watch the video below.

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