Doris Burke Speaks On Drake's Bizarre Obsession With Her

BYKyle Rooney784 Views
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Doris Burke is just as confused as us.

Drake's obsession with ESPN's Doris Burke has been well documented ever since last year's Eastern Conference Finals but it recently reached a fever pitch last month when Drizzy invited her to dinner at his house, as long as she came alone. 

Doris playfully tweeted at Drake agreeing to meet him for dinner but she admitted she has no idea how he became so infatuated with her.

On this morning's taping of Mike & Mike, she spoke about that moment earlier this season when Drake wore his Doris Burke "Woman Crush Everyday" shirt and basically confessed his love for her.

Appearing on ESPN's Mike & Mike, DB said:

"I would tell you that your question was my 22-year-old son’s question when he saw the shirt as well. 'What the heck is going on, mom?' I said, 'Son, I have absolutely no idea.'"

"Listen, here’s my take on it: I had a couple of Toronto Raptors games in the playoffs early. Drake was not in Toronto. He was watching the games and during the Eastern Conference Finals, his seat location was maybe three or four rows in front of mine, and he literally stands up in a TV timeout during the Eastern Conference Finals, points at me, makes a heart, and points again. And so, of course, I look behind me like, 'Who’s Drake looking at?' And I turned back around and he sort of shakes his head, so I interpreted at that moment like, 'Hey, I must be pretty good at this basketball thing.'"

"So fast forward six months later, I’m at my daughter’s apartment—she’s at law school at Villanova—and we’re cooking dinner and my phone starts to blow up. And that is the extent of my knowledge. I plead no other knowledge."

I'm sure Burke's 22-year old son hasn't been teased at all by his friends about Drake is openly flirting with his mom on live television while wearing a sweatshirt with her face on it.

When asked if she really intends to take Drake up on his dinner offer she only said, "Listen, I don't talk out of school. You will know nothing."


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<b>Sports &amp; Sneakers Writer</b> <!--BR--> New York born and raised. Long-suffering Knicks, Mets &amp; Jets fan who fell in love with sneakers when Allen Iverson laced up the 11s at Georgetown. Commissioner of one of the premier fantasy football leagues in the USA.