Remember George Zimmerman? A man we’d all like to forget, but unfortunately he just won’t stay out of the headlines after murdering Trayvon Martin in a Florida community. He announced a one day auction for today at 11am, and was selling the gun he used to kill the unarmed teenager.
In what should go down as one of the most tasteless acts of the decade, George Zimmerman listed his handgun on in an auction that was set to go live at 11am today, but has since been taken down. It’s unclear if it was Zimmerman or the auction site who removed the listing. The starting price was set at $5,000.
The fact that the gun is being sold isn’t necessarily in bad taste. However, Zimmerman made sure of that by referencing the gun’s history throughout the listing, including calling it “an American Firearm Icon“ and “a piece of American History.” He might be right, but only in the way that Nazi memorabilia is a piece of European history.
The listing stated that partial proceeds from the sale would be used to “fight [Black Lives Matter] violence against Law Enforcement officers, ensure the demise of Angela [Corey’s] persecution career and Hillary Clinton’s anti-firearm rhetoric.”
Since the tragic shooting in 2012, Zimmerman has been charged with aggravated assault and domestic violence, and has been sued by an Associated Press photographer for using his photo to create a painting which he sold for thousands of dollars.
[via NPR]