What’s New In Battle Rap (June 12)

BYDallas Darden137 Views
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We keep you up to date on everything going on in battle rap.

Battle rap is quickly growing as a culture. What was almost completely relegated to street corners and Youtube a few years ago has garnered national recognition, more tv programming, Pay-Per-View events, and other attention of the mainstream media. Hip Hop icons like Eminem and Snoop Dogg have put on events for the battle scene and at this rate things can only continue to expand. That being the case, we’re here to keep you updated on all things battle rap. Now is a great time to join the culture.

Before we get into this week’s battles and announcements, we want to say rest in peace to battle rap legend Robert “PH” Diaz. We send our condolences to all of those who were close to him.

As for this week’s updates, we have the highly anticipated release of Charlie Clips vs Hollow Da Don that came out about a week ago. It’s a big one. Of course, KOTD has been busy as well with their successful Back to Basics event and the secret Back to Basements event that followed. And Don’t Flop continues to make news with their U.S. events and a recent title match release.

About The Author
<b>Contributor</b> Hip Hop addict/connoisseur with a particular affinity for lyricism and rap battles. Dallas been hooked on Hip Hop since he was five years old listenin’ to Big Willie StyleHis tastes have since evolved to include the likes of Lupe and Slaughterhouse. <strong>Favorite Hip Hop Artists:</strong> Lupe Fiasco, Eminem, Crooked I, Joe Budden, Royce Da 5’9”, Joell Ortiz