Donald Glover, known to the rap world as Childish Gambino, is currently promoting a new film he's in ("The Lazarus Effect") and sat down with The Today Show this morning to discuss it. After talking about the movie, Gambino spoke briefly on his rap career and what the current status of it is.
"I always wanna do music, like I love music, and I wanna produce," he said when asked if he'd be putting down the mic. However, if he does continue making music, it may not be as Childish Gambino. "I guess Childish Gambino is like a period in my art time, and I want to have periods in my life, so I feel like Childish Gambino is a period that should come to a close," Glover said. "I like endings." Let's hope this ending equals a new beginning, though.
He goes on to address "Spiderman" rumors and more. Watch the full clip below. "The Lazarus Effect" is in theatres this weekend.