New York emcee Canibus, whose diss song towards J.Cole was all over the internet yesterday, has now retracted it, saying it is a Cole World right now and Jermaine's the reigning champ....
In the video posted on youtube he says,
"I've seen thousands and thousands of comments of ['J. Cole'], and all the negativity it's stirring up. After 48 hours of it, I feel confident enough to say that it's unanimous. Hip Hop has spoken up loud and clear, it's a 'cole world' right now, and you're reignin' champ, J. I take full responsibility for my actions and I apologize for steppin' over the line. It comes off as tacky, unsophisticated, and it's just not G. I love Hip Hop too much to further justify my selfish behavior."
Check out the video below...which is edited with repeats for some reason.