UPDATE (03/18/16 6:37pm): It is now being reported that Offset's arrest yesterday was totally unjust. Police originally pulled him over because they suspected that his car windows were overly tinted, though they soon discovered an outstanding warrant for the rapper's arrest. The warrant was due to Offset's apparent failure to pay a parking ticket imposed upon him last April, soon before he would be sent to jail for eight months on charges of drugs and weapons possession.
After yesterday's arrest, Offset's lawyer had argued that his client had thought he had paid off the parking ticket as well as the additional fee for not appearing in court to address said ticket -- a total cost of $316 -- and it now turns out that he was right. Offset posted $1900 in bond early this morning, and upon his release, he went to the courthouse to argue that he never should have been arrested in the first place, as he remained convinced he had paid the necessary $316 to lift the suspension on his license.
Earlier today, the court alerted TMZ that the Migos rapper had indeed paid all the requisite fees back in December and that he was wrongfully arrested yesterday. TMZ also reports that it will take a few weeks for Offset to get his bail money back, though it's unclear if he'll receive any additional compensation for his wrongful arrest, which led to a night in jail. Upon his arrest, Offset racked up another ticket for his tinted windows, though his attorney confirms that said ticket has been dropped in lieu of today's events.
It's horrible that Offset was put in a cell for no good reason at all, but at least today's verdict implies that there will be no further court proceedings affecting his freedom, which you can celebrate by banging out the new Migos track: "Think Twice."
Original text below:
Yesterday, Offset found himself back in a jail cell after cops had pulled him over and found that he was driving with a suspended license. His license was apparently suspended due to a months-old parking ticket (priced at $316), for which he missed his court appearance. He was not eligible for release until this morning, and it seems that his lawyers were able to quickly put forth his bail money and get him out.
Upon his release, Offset went on his Instagram to alert fans that he is "SOLID" after his short-lived return to jail. Yesterday's arrest came less than four months after he had been released from a nearly eight-month sentence for drugs and weapons possession following his arrest, as well as that of Quavo and Takeoff, during a concert last April at Georgia Southern University.
Offset was able to get out in December because he accepted a plea deal that included five years of probation. Yesterday evening, Offset's lawyer, Drew Findling, told FADER that he doesn't believe his client's latest arrest will affect his current probation sentence. "It won't interfere [with his probation], because it's not committing an offense," said Findling, "it's just not realizing you hadn't paid a fine and paying it."
It's unclear if Offset will have further court proceedings to address yesterday's arrest, but it's likely that he already coughed up the necessary $316. Stay tuned for more updates.