While news that Nicki Minaj's “Super Freaky Girl” single was moved to the Pop categories for a potential Grammy nomination caused a stir on Twitter, last week, it appears that Minaj's other songs, "Do We Have a Problem?," as well as her features on "Blick Blick," and "Love in the Way," will remain up for the Rap awards.
Variety reports that voters who’ve received their ballots can confirm that Minaj is in contention in the Best Rap Performance category, just not for “Super Freaky Girl.”

Minaj responded to the Recording Academy's decision to move “Super Freaky Girl” to the pop category on Twitter, last week.
“I have no prob being moved out [of] the RAP category as long as we [are] ALL being treated FAIRLY. If ‘Super Freaky Girl’ has [to be] moved out RAP then so does ‘Big Energy’!” Minaj tweeted on October 13. “[Anyone] who says [differently] is simply a Nicki hater or a troll. I’d actually LUV 2 c a more street record win- male OR female! IJS rightIsRight."
The post earned a response from "Big Energy" rapper Latto, who tweeted: “With all this being said this wasn’t JUST about a Grammy category. U being funny bringing me up to defend [your] case knowing our last convo didn’t end on good terms. U literally told me I’m not ‘flourishing’ and no one cares about my ‘little song’ [on the phone]. lol. @NICKIMINAJ.”
“Big Energy” is expected to be included in the Best Melodic Rap Performance, while her song, “Sunshine," is going to be competing in the Best Rap Performance category.
Check out "Super Freaky Girl" below.