In one of the most bizarre news moments of the weekend, Antonio Brown was filmed exposing himself to a woman at a Dubai hotel pool as onlookers were shocked. It's caused an uproar on social media, something that the ex-NFL player is clearly well-aware of. In a freestyle posted to Instagram, the receiver-turned-rapper spit some bars about the leaked video, which was reportedly taken back in May.
Via some tweets, Brown also voiced his disappointment and frustration with how the clip has been covered by news outlets, saying that the media is quick to misinform and make assumptions. He also called out the NFL for forcing concussed players to show up on the field anyway.

"My name more precious to be diamonds n gold," he wrote. "Y y'all keep playing with my character, they tried to bury me forgot I was a seed... It’s crazy to me that even after I retire there is disinformation coming out about me. Ironically, during a time when the NFL is getting heat for allowing players to play when they’re clearly concussed. They’ve been using black men as guinea pigs."
"Every chance they get to sway the heat off themselves they use me," he continued. "In the video you can clearly see she runs off with my swim trunks. If roles were reversed the headlines would read 'AB having a wild night with nude female.' Yet when it’s me it automatically becomes a hate crime."

AB also had a cheeky tweet for the NFL concerning the incident. "I’m telling every team that needs some offense to pick up AB bc he’s shown that he still has the ability to expose a D," he wrote.

Despite these harbored feelings of resentment, the ex-Buccaneer is clearly not above having some fun with the situation. In the recently published freestyle, he raps "Ooh, I'm tryna get turnt up, but they tryna turn me down, I had that b***h in the pool, she took my jaw and then she turned me down, I'm taking her out and I'm showing off, I'm showing how good it is too, whoo!"
Readers are probably aware of the outraged response to Brown's actions, calling it out as ignorant behavior or grounds for harassment. Regardless of the public backlash, it seems he will continue to take advantage of the stir it's caused. Considering he released a new album this year, so stay tuned to HotNewHipHop to see if he actually puts some Dubai pool bars on wax one day.