She's preparing for the arrival of her twins and it seems that it is time for Abby De La Rosa to move to a new home. The DJ was catapulted into pop culture fame after she and Nick Cannon announced that they were expecting twins. Zion and Zillion Cannon arrived happy and healthy, and since that time, Cannon has gone on to add more babies to his growing brood.
When De La Rosa shared that she was pregnant with twins again, the internet was sent into a flurry because it was purported that Cannon was once again going to be a father.
On Instagram, De La Rosa shared a video of her toddlers roaming around an empty room. "Here’s to beautiful new beginnings. I’m so grateful - Thank you Dad - Zion & Zillion," she penned in the caption. She suggested that Cannon was responsible for the purchase of her new digs, and he hopped in the comment section with a response.
"You are more than welcome!!" he wrote. "It’s the least I can do, Thank you for the unconditional love and the most precious gifts any human can ask for!! BEAUTIFUL New Beginnings!"
It was recently shared that Brittany Bell, the mother of two of Cannon's children, was also pregnant with the media mogul's child. It has been rumored that Alyssa Scott is also pregnant, but neither she nor Cannon has confirmed those reports.