There's a good chance that R. Kelly won't see beyond a prison cell for a very long time unless something drastic happens. This week, a judge handed down a 30-year sentence to the embattled singer for sex and racketeering crimes, though his attorney has already revealed plans to appeal. However, the three decades behind bars are just a part of his sentencing.

According to TMZ, there have been some strict guidelines attached to Kelly's sentencing which will include serious counseling and restrictions in the case that he's released from prison. A judge told Kelly that he'll have to undergo counseling treatment for an undisclosed sexual disorder while he's incarcerated. Additionally, he must have no contact with minors if he's ever released. However, he will be able to be with someone under the age of 18 if they're a family member or accompanied by a "responsible adult" in a therapeutic setting. The same rules apply to any association with other sex offenders. Kelly will also have to inform anyone living with him that he is a convicted sex offender.
Kellz will be under supervised release for five years after he completes his prison sentence and must inform his probation officer of any movements he makes related to the aforementioned conditions.
Kelly still has federal and state trials to face. We'll keep you posted on anymore updates relating to his case.