Young Dolph's partner, Mia Jaye, shared a powerful message on Instagram, Saturday, reflecting on celebrating Christmas without the late Memphis rapper. Dolph was shot and killed back in November while picking up cookies for his mother.
After explaining that Christmas is her favorite time of year, Jaye admits: "But this Christmas and holiday season is different… it’s cold. It’s sad. It’s full of fake joy so that the kids can still maintain their love for Christmas. This Christmas is about sacrifice and strength. This Christmas, my heart is left with a huge hole. It’s by God’s grace that my children are so full of compassion and LOVE that they try their hardest to fill the hole in my heart. My family and support system is there, but when one special person(s) are missing, the hole remains pierced wide open."

The post includes several photos of Dolph from their family's last Christmas together.
Jaye continues:
For every man considering to take another makes life, think of the holes you will tear in the heart of their family. Think of the hole that will be torn in your families heart if you were the victim. Premature death hurts… deep… robs families of their future… and for that we must think before we allow our ego, evil spirits and pride to convince us of taking the lives of another. I wanted my Black Man to Grow Old with me. He deserved it. We deserve it. To every gunman ready to pull the trigger… you deserve it… Protect our own, stopping killing our own.
Check out Jaye's Instagram post below.