Twenty-four hours after going viral, French Montana returns to trending topic territory. The rapper has taken some hits from the internet in recent days after a social media user trolled him with a Squid Games question about his catalog. After facing some teasing online, another video of French Montana has circulated and this time, he recounted a story about Akon gifting him a fake watch for his birthday.
"He had given me a Hublot so it wasn't iced out," said Montana. "And you know, I like sh*t with diamond son it, so I took it to my jeweler. I was like, 'Yo, can you switch this for me? Akon gave it to me for my birthday.' He looked at me and was like, 'What you mean? Akon did not give you this, my guy.'"

The rapper thought that his jeweler was either pranking him or Akon made a mistake. French Montana then gave a shout out to Akon and called him "my guy," but added that he is "still waiting for the real one."
"So I call him and said, 'Kon, my jeweler said this is fake. Say it ain't so.' He was like, 'What?! Let me call the jeweler,'" Montana recalled. This makes for a casual Hollywood tale of an interaction between rich friends, but some have questioned why Montana would share with the world that Akon buys and gifts fake watches.
Check out the clip below.