As he toys with the idea of working on the third installment of his iconic Kill Bill franchise, Quentin Tarantino is being taken to court. The legendary filmmaker is responsible for several favorites on the silver screen, many known as award-winning features that have been scrutinized and analyzed by film buffs for decades. Pulp Fiction—starring the likes of Samuel L. Jackson, Uma Thurman, and John Travolta—was recently back in the spotlight after Tarantino shared plans to reportedly auction off Pulp Fiction NTFs, or non-fungible tokens.
Not everyone is excited about Tarantino's NFTs because Miramax has reportedly sued him. Those NFTs are said to contain famous scenes from the film and Miramax believes Tarantino is stepping on their toes because they reportedly own the rights.
The New York Post reportedly took a look at court documents that show Miramax was unaware of the auction but once they were alerted, they sent out cease and desist letters. Tarantino reportedly responded by further promoting the auction. The studio released a statement regarding their lawsuit against Tarantino.
“‘Pulp Fiction’ is one of the many beloved, award-winning, culturally iconic films in the Miramax library – with its brilliant storytelling and unique characters who still resonate with audiences more than 25 years later, so it was profoundly disappointing to learn of this deliberate, premeditated, short-term money grab by the Tarantino team to unilaterally circumvent Miramax’s rights to ‘Pulp Fiction’ though the illicit development, promotion, and distribution of NFTs."
“This group chose to recklessly, greedily and intentionally disregard the agreement that Quentin signed instead of following the clear legal and ethical approach of simply communicating with Miramax about his proposed ideas.”
Miramax believes if left unchecked, other filmmakers and entertainers will believe they have the authority to follow in Tarantino's footsteps.