Safaree Samuels was caught in the hail fire that was Meek Mill's twitter rant two nights ago. The former boyfriend of Nicki Minaj received a slight when Meek tweeted, "This nigga SB was twerking mannnnnnnn....i always thought u was gay letting Ya girl do all that shit with niggas while yall where together! Lol," before he went on to throw daggers at Drake.
SB has now responded on twitter, alleging that he still keeps in touch with Nicki Minaj. "Show him the email you sent me on my birthday. If were not 2gthr u shouldnt be questioning me about old shit at all. thats not moving on," he wrote.
Safaree also reached out to TMZ to give some perspective on the "twerking"-- it was from a Jamaican dance battle he did when he was 17. He also says he's not gay he's just an "awesome dancer."
View the old video clip below. Safaree's at the 1:10 minute mark.
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