Following the release of her latest single "Rumors" with Cardi B, popstar Lizzo has been on the receiving end of some extremely hateful messages on social media. Trolls have been body-shaming her and sharing racist commentary about her new video, and in general. It's gotten so bad that Facebook has taken action, deleting comments that are hateful toward the artist and banning several accounts.
As she continues to face rude commentary, Lizzo appeared on Good Morning America to address her haters, saying that she doesn't mind the "fat comments" but that she feels it's unfair that she's being targeted with them.

"I don’t mind critiques about me -- my music," she told the host. "I don’t even mind the fat comments, you know. I just feel like it’s unfair sometimes, the treatment that people like me receive."
She continued, saying, "People are like, don’t let ‘em see you with your head down. My head is always up. Even when I’m upset and even when I’m crying, my head is up. But I know it’s my job as an artist to reflect the times, and this should not fly. This shouldn’t be okay."

Lizzo previously broke down in tears on Instagram Live after being cyberbullied over the weekend, and her collaborator Cardi B defended her. "When you stand up for yourself they claim you're problematic & sensitive," she said. "When you don’t they tear you apart until you crying like this. Whether you skinny, big, plastic, they going to always try to put their insecurities on you. Remember these are nerds looking at the popular table."
Watch Lizzo's appearance on GMA below.