As best friends who grew up together and are now in a hitmaking Rap duo, fans expect JT and Yung Miami to be joined at the hip. The two women have their own lives, relationships, and families, but when one makes a move without the other, people are quick to assert that there is trouble brewing.
However, JT was recently on Instagram Live where she once again assured the public that she and Yung Miami are as thick as thieves while explaining that they have a friendship where they allow one another to flourish as individuals.

"So ya'll never see me around my friends unless it's at work but no, it's not a problem and I am very, very, very chill," said JT. "It come from life experiences. It's nothing personal. Like, when you go through different sh*t in life and different changes and transitions, you become another person sometimes."
"If I'm with my friends, I'm turnt up... I don't always put it on my page," she added. "Y'all are weird with that." She explained that people continue to try to somehow pit her against Yung Miami or question their friendship just became they aren't around each other all of the time or don't post about one another. She accused critics of not having friends who allow them to be themselves without them.
"You got different friends for different things," JT stated before saying of Yung Miami, "That's not my friend, that's my sister. I literally support her in everything she do." Watch the clip below.