Rick Ross has represented a life of opulence that only the biggest boss can afford. Over the years, he's spent less effort on emphasizing the luxurious lifestyle he lives, and more time preaching financial literacy. The latest lesson from the Boss might surprise you. By now, you've probably seen his massive land in Georgia which was previously owned by Evander Holyfield. Though you'd expect Ross to have enough help to take care of his property, he recently revealed that he, in fact, handles part of the landscaping himself.
"When I bought the Fayetteville estate, locals would see me walk out of a restaurant and scream, ‘You know Holyfield spent $1 million a year to cut the grass.’ So I decided that I was gonna cut my own grass. And that’s what I did,” Ross told Forbes. “I went down to John Deere and asked to see the biggest tractor, the most efficient tractor. I told them I had 200-plus acres that I wanted to keep cut, and they pointed out the right tractor," he continued. "I may have sat in the same spot for two hours before I got everything working, but once I got it going, I didn’t stop. I cut grass for about five hours.”
Ross explained this also offered him peace of mind in the midst of his hectic schedule. For Ross, the time he takes to take care of his lawn allows him to appreciate the work he's put in over the years for this property, as well as a sense of achievement. "I realized that this was something I wanted to do. It was subconscious,” he added. “I sit there and have my cannabis rolled up, and, man, I look at the property and can appreciate my struggles and my triumphs, those rough days. It’s the smallest thing, but it keeps a smile on my face. So, you know, for anybody who doesn’t cut their own grass, I would say take time out every two or three months to cut your grass because it is such a great and peaceful sensation.”
While many of Ross's peers are bragging about the PJ life, Ross explained that he's also flying commercial as much as possible.