While the first two installments of BJ The Chicago Kid's recent series, "BJ Wednesdays," highlighted the excitement of new love on "Smooth" and dove into the emotions of overcoming obstacles in a relationship on "6 Months," the third installment is a hard left turn.
"Making Me Mad" finds BJ singing about love and relationships, as per usual, but where "Smooth" and "6 Months" are calculated and sensitive, his new single is an anthem about dealing with a toxic partner.
Jason Mendez/Getty Images
Delivering silky, R&B vibes over flute-heavy production from Social House (featured on Ariana Grande's "Boyfriend"), BJ kicks things off with the most dreaded way to start a morning — a phone full of missed calls and long text messages. Detailing his partner's impatience, the 4 AM singer dives all the way into the pool of toxicity and laments over their seeming love for making him mad.
Singing that he spends his time just waiting for her to come over and kill his vibe, BJ The Chicago Kid paints a picture of unhappiness in a relationship, and the childish games partners often play with each other because of insecurities within themselves.
Quotable Lyrics
Tripping since last Saturday, when you saw me and we paused
I ain't seen ya since the last time that we fought
All in your feelings, what you been concealing?
Bring it up when it suits you like damn that sh*t convenient
Check out BJ The Chicago Kid's "Making Me Mad" below and let us know what you think in the comments.