Lil Durk is one of the biggest rappers in the world right now, being embraced in the mainstream as one of the most consistent superstars in his genre. The Chicago rapper rarely misses and he's known to release multiple projects per year, most recently striking with his collaborative album with Lil Baby, titled The Voice of the Heroes. On several of the songs on the album, Durkio speaks about how he's set his kids up for success, but one of his alleged baby mamas doesn't necessarily agree with him, calling him out during a recent interview.
Lil Durk's alleged baby mama Travonna, who gave birth to their son seven years ago, claims that she used to buy the rapper White Castle all the time but these days, she doesn't see any money from him for their child.

"Seven years ago when my son was born, you were not who you are now. I was giving you rides to the studio and buying you White Castle because you had to wait for checks for different stuff when you were with other companies," she said, calling out Durk. "You didn't even have title to your money. Now you stacking it up and you're talking about how you take care of all of your kids but you ain't sent my son nothing! You buy designer, you always brag about taking care of your homies in jail, and my son is just completely exed out of the whole equation constantly."
Travonna claims that she has not stayed in contact with Durk. Her interview with Tasha K is currently making the rounds. You can watch the video in question below, as well as some pictures with her son.