By now it's pretty clear what Bill Cosby is being accused of, leaving many split between two truths: believing their favorite TV dad is responsible for decades of sexual manipulation and assault, or he's the victim of a wider plot against Black men in America. Either way, Cosby is currently in the can and his team is working overtime to get his case appealed. How they're deciding to go about it is, well, questionable to say the least.

Bill Cosby's crisis manager and publicist Andrew Wyatt released a public announcement via Instagram earlier today, calling for all 53,000 of Dr. Huxtable's still-loyal followers to tune in and support the livestream of oral arguments presented by appellate attorney Jennifer Bonjean in front of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court next Tuesday (Dec 1). We respect their team's right to fight the case, but things got a little tricky when the video clip began including details about the Black Lives Matter movement, political issues pertaining to the election year and other world issues that actually affected us this year. Cosby's conviction for a crime we're preeetty sure he did is not one of those things in the least bit.
Peep what Wyatt had to say in his longwinded plea for support in the Bill Cosby sexual assault appeal:
"These aren't normal times. In this 21st century, we have witnessed the senseless murders of Black men and women at the hands of a few bad law enforcement officers — but not all. We have witnessed utter displeasure in our American political system. We have witnessed the unjust conviction and incarceration of a true American treasure and citizen, actor-comedian Bill Cosby, and we are witnessing a pandemic unlike anything we have seen in our lifetime. Along with my family and I, and Mr. and Mrs. Cosby, we are praying for your family's to continue to be safe and well during these difficult times."
Again, not sure how any of those things apply to Bill's business, but good luck where it's due. Watch the clip below and let us know your thoughts down below in the comments: