As if it wasn't enough that she dug up her dead cat and boiled it to preserve its bones, Azealia Banks is raising eyebrows again for buying a 6-year-old little girl's skull online and showing it off during a video interview with an Australian radio show.
The "212" rapper has long made headlines because of her social media antics, which often include long-winded rants against her fellow celebrities, as well as questionable videos and photos that make the world wonder about her mental health. Many of her critics have suggested for years that she is unstable, and those people will have more ammo to make their arguments after the rapper showed off a human skull during her latest video interview, which she claims to have purchased online.
During her interview with Kyle and Jackie O, Azealia spoke about the scandal involving her deceased cat, denying that she ate it. "No, I did not eat the cat," she said. "And I personally would not eat a cat that's been dead for three months." She admits that she did boil the cat, as seen on video, which she explains is a regular part of taxidermy. Midway through her explanation though, she began to speak about bones in general, revealing that she's also got a human skull in her collection.

"If you check on your card, driver's license, to be an organ donor, they’re not just picking out a healthy heart and picking out a healthy liver, they are dissecting every part of your body and selling it," she said. "There are lots of scientific research sites where you can actually buy human skulls, like this one." She went on to show off a 6-year-old girl's skull on camera, claiming that she purchased it online after the child died of head trauma.
"I love bones. I respect the afterlife. I think the bones are where the energy holds for a person," she said.
Watch the full interview below and let us know what you think about this.