We went one summer without Nicki Minaj blaring through the speakers but we were also in a pandemic. Plus, she just became a first-time mom in October so we could imagine that Nicki was enjoying the beauty of motherhood. She sprinkled a few guest verses here and there but it looks like the Queen is preparing her return to the throne this summer.

Following her first Mother's Day as a mom, Nicki Minaj is back to work already. The Pink Friday MC brought it back to the essence of the Barbie aesthetic in her pink office with matching pink Crocs, pink Richard Mille watch, and pink heart-shaped pillows covering what appears to be her bare body.
There was little to caption the photo except, "F R I D A Y." Yung Miami immediately showed praised to the Young Money rapper, tweeting, "Nicki Minaj look good!!!"
Needless to say, Nicki Minaj seems to have something in store for her fans this week -- a well-deserved treat after proving their power in numbers on social media and streaming services. Over the weekend, the Barbz got "LLC Party" trending on Twitter which pushed the song into the top 40 on Apple's iTunes US chart for the first time ever.
Though it's unclear what Nicki has in store, fans are clearly awaiting her return to the rap game. Check out what fans have to say below.