Evan Rachel Wood dropped a bombshell accusation against Marilyn Manson that had a rippling effect. Several other women emerged with their own horror stories about their time dating Marilyn Manson. His record label dropped him. Starz committed to removing Manson from an upcoming episode of American Gods. Manson himself referred to the allegation as a "distorted version of reality."

PageSix has now unearthed excerpts from his 1999 autobiography The Long Hard Road Out Of Hell where Manson admits to some heinous fantasies including rape and murder. At one point, he discusses nearly committing a "perfect murder" against his former bandmate and love Nancy and detailed attempting to burn her to death at her home in the early 90s.
"This was the first time I had ever seriously considered murder. … She had to die," wrote the singer in the biography. "While I didn’t think it was right to take a human life, I didn’t think it was right to deny myself the chance of causing someone to die either, especially someone whose existence meant so little to the world and to herself... At the time, taking someone’s life seemed like a necessary growing and learning experience, like losing your virginity or having a child."
He continues to explain that he "followed her, cased out her house and figured out her routine" before heading to her house in Fort Lauderdale with "kerosene, matches and rags." He later explains how a homeless man that followed them eventually spooked them out of the act.
Elsewhere in the book, he admits that he and his friend harassed a woman who "wouldn’t even acknowledge our humanity.” The harassment escalated when he began calling her home everyday for a month with malicious threats.
"At first, the calls were harmless. But they quickly grew meaner,” he wrote. “‘We’re watching you,’ we’d threaten her at the height of our spite-masked lust. ‘You better not leave work tonight, because we’re going to rape you in the parking lot and then crush you underneath your own car."