The "If You See Something, Say Something" slogan has gained popularity in recent years as organizations are hoping that the general public will begin to speak out against instances of violence, bullying, harassment, and potential human trafficking. Draya Michele shared on Instagram recently that she had a moment that required someone to step up to the plate, so she decided to take the initiative instead of waiting on someone else to make the move.

The reality star wrote on social media that while she was out, she watched as a man attempted to lure in two young girls with promises of money and popularity. "So today I witnessed a man try to persuade 2 teenage girls to be interested in him," she wrote on her Instagram Story. "He used his flashy car, his association with youtubers, offered them investments on their business, and expensive gifts. All in one convo."
Draya Michele went on to say that the event made her "utterly disgusted," so she sent the girls a note via the waiter at the restaurant they were both patronizing. "I prayed they received it because I had to leave," said Draya. In the note, she wrote, "Dear young girls, Please do not listen to that man. He is too old and not as connected as he seems. Be careful. @drayamichele." She wanted to leave her Instagram name "so they could somewhat trust me."
The girls sent her a DM, thanking her for the note and Draya responded, warning them against potential predators who will use false promises to reel them in while encouraging them to follow their dreams. "I'm so thankful you left that note. he made us think he was big sh*t," one of the girls wrote to Draya. "I was blinded by it. so thankful for uu!" Swipe through below to read the story and messages in their entirety.