Everyone is waiting on Nevada... so much so that the entire state has been the subject of memes and social media laughter.
While they are not the only state to still be counting ballots from Tuesday's election, they are seemingly processing the votes at a remarkably slow speed. This election saw an increased number of mail-in votes, breaking records across the nation, and that's something that election officials in Nevada were not previously accustomed to.
As such, it looks like they'll need another full week to determine the winner in their state.
Clark County Registrar Joe Gloria spoke at a press conference today where he claimed that he is afraid for the safety of his staff, as people continue to complain about the lack of efficiency from Nevada in terms of counting the votes. That's a legitimate concern and the public will simply need to remain patient and trust that they're getting it done.
He also said that he hopes the bulk of their votes are announced by Saturday or Sunday, claiming that their complete tally will not be read until November 12.
We will likely have enough information before then to declare a winner in the Presidential election, in which Joe Biden is currently favored to win.
Hopefully, Nevada can speed things up and deliver their results sooner than anticipated.