Donald Trump has been under fire, atleast more so than usual, in the lead up to the next presidential election in November. NYT's bombshell report on his tax returns revealed that he lost a lot of money and owes a lot of money as well. Though you'd never expect anyone from the Trump camp to admit that, Eric Trump's recent visit to ABC included an admission that his father had "lost a fortune" during his time in the Oval Office.
Eric Trump was asked about allegations that his dad had pay-for-play deals with organizations from international governments to private companies who'd stay at his hotels in exchange for massive contracts with the U.S. Trump allegedly did this in hopes to have the favor repaid back to him down the line. Eric didn't necessarily respond to this directly. Instead, he went off about his father's supposed accomplishments before confirming one thing from the NYT report -- his father has lost a lot of money.
"We've lost a fortune. We lost an absolute fortune running for president. He doesn't care. He doesn't care. He wanted to do what was right," Eric explained. "The last thing I could tell you Donald Trump needs in the world is this job. He wakes up in the morning and he has to fight you and he has to fight the entire media. And he has to fight the Democrats," he continued as he listed off his father's supposed accomplishments, drifting further away from the topic. The best part of the video is when Eric Trump's voice cracks like a prepubescent child when he gets pressed about answering the actual question.
Check it out for yourself.