Donald Trump contacted former-Yankee Alex Rodriquez, earlier this week, regarding the Coronavirus response, according to ABC's John Santucci and John Santucci.

"During marathon day of meetings earlier this week, President Trump continued outreach across the country regarding coronavirus & phoned former Yankees baseball player Alex Rodriguez," ABC senior editorial producer John Santucci tweeted Friday. "Multiple sources tell ABC, the president spoke to ARod from the Oval Office.
"A source close to Rodriguez told @ABC the call with Trump was 'pleasant' adding that Trump was seeking thoughts from ARod about the coronavirus response. Sources say there was no discussion of AROD or his fiancé Jennifer Lopez taking on any official effort," he continued.
Trump responded, "More Fake News!"
Trump has been critical of ARod in the past. He once tweeted, "The @Yankees should immediately stop paying A-Rod—he signed his contract without telling them he was a druggie."
While Trump originally downplayed the seriousness of the Coronavirus, he's now begun taking action to combat it. Saturday, Trump announced that he is considering a quarantine on New York, New Jersey and parts of Connecticut. New York has the highest rates of coronavirus cases across the country.