Anti-trump advocates are calling for the President of the United States to be warned about his recent visit to far-right conservative Rush Limbaugh's radio program. Trump and Limbaugh were discussing international dealings with Iran, causing the President to sound off against the country's government leaders. "They've been put on notice. If you f*ck around with us, if you do something bad to us, we are going to do things to you that have never been done before," Trump threatened.

The video footage of Trump's appearance on the show airs the f-bomb moment, but the on-air version had a slight delay, allowing censorship to run its due course. Profanity during the daytime hours has been prohibited by the FCC and people have taken to social media to voice their opinions about the President being unhinged.
Trump also spoke about terrorist cells overseas, noting that "you don't see the terror the way you used to see the terror," Trump said. He also asserted that in the upcoming election, Iran is "dying to have me lose." This comes on the heels of controversial reports that Iran and China are interfering in the 2020 election against Trump's efforts, while it's still reported that Russia is aiding in the President being elected for a second term.