Whenever a rapper decides to deactivate their Instagram, it can only mean new music is coming. Given that Travis Scott has been in go-mode throughout the year with numerous brand collaborations and chart-topping singles, it seems that it is entirely likely that the recent deactivation of his page means Utopia is near. However, that might not entirely be the case.

Travis Scott took to the 'Gram last night where he shared his incredibly elaborate Batman costume that included an elevator that delivered his Batsuit that matched his brown vehicles. And while Travis thought it was a flex, the rest of the timeline proceeded in roasting the rapper for his Halloween costume.
This wouldn't be the first time Scott did something meme-worthy but after deactivating his account, people suspected that it may have had to do with the comments surrounding his costume. You gotta think, though, he's a public figure. Could Instagram comments about his Halloween costume be that bad that he needs to deactivate it entirely? Have you seen Kanye's get up?
Despite rumors that it had to do with his costume, there's more evidence that leading us to believe his disappearance from social media has to do with new music. Just the other day, Travis Scott was spotted cooking up new music for Utopia with Mike Dean.
Days prior, radio DJs received a hand-written letter from Scott expressing his appreciation for their efforts to keep his music spinning on their shows. It's how he ended the letter that hinted at his absence from IG in retrospect. "Look forward to going up with you once everyone is back. Thank you again! For all of the support and see you guys in 2021 in Utopia!!" The letter reads.
What do you guys think? Did the comments get to Travis Scott or are we about to rage in 2021?