Nicki Minaj decided to send a message to all those in opposition of her collab with Tekashi 6ix9ine. Nicki is no stranger to mass hate, as she's been the target of a ton of vitriol at different times throughout her whole career. However, the rapper has been dealing with a greater onslaught of hate recently, after collaborating with 6ix9ine despite how widely disliked he's become along many other fellow rappers. As usual, Nicki has not been letting this negative energy affect her, and she's defended her choice to work with the known snitch and predator on multiple occasions. She decided to issue another statement about the nasty responses to their collab, this time brief and indirect in the form of a popular quote.
"Hate is a weak emotion, a sign of failure," she wrote on a photo of her and 6ix9ine on the set of the music video for "Trollz." 6ix9ine proceeded to leave a comment on the post, but instead of acknowledging the message, he was too focused on his own appearance. "Yo I’m dead a snack," he wrote.

Despite the wide disapproval, Nicki still managed to make history after securing her second No. 1 of her career with "Trollz." She became the first female rapper of the century to debut at No. 1 on the Hot 100, a feat that hadn't been achieved since Lauryn Hill in 1998.