President Donald Trump has been one of the most controversial presidents in American history. Considering the campaign he ran back in 2016, this was going to be par for the course. While Trump certainly has his die hard supporters, there are still millions of Americans who want him out of the White House and will do anything to ensure Joe Biden is elected into office on November 3rd. For now, it remains to be seen how the election will turn out although it's clear his family doesn't have many nice things to say about him.
Recently, his niece Mary Trump wrote a tell-all book which details some of Trump's alleged transgressions. Perhaps the most recent example of this inter-family turmoil comes courtesy of secretly recorded audio of Trump's sister Maryanna. The audio was recorded by Mary and as you will hear below, Maryanne doesn't think too highly of her brother.
Throughout the clip, Maryanna claims that Trump was a spoiled brat as a child and that he was constantly trying to get his way. In fact, Maryanne goes on to accuse him of having someone else take his SAT test, which is highly against the rules. From there, Trump's sister says that her brother a liar, a cheater, and possesses the character of someone who is unfit to be the President.
These are some pretty scathing remarks although considering the voting patterns of Trump's base, it doesn't seem like this will affect him going into November.