In the hours following Megan Thee Stallion's shooting in the Hollywood Hills, her alleged shooter Tory Lanez sent her a text message as she laid in a hospital bed.
"I know u prolly never gone talk to me again, but I genuinely want u to know I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart," wrote the Toronto native, according to TMZ. "I was just too drunk. None the less shit should have never happened and I can't change what did. I just feel horrible. Cuz I genuinely just got too drunk."
Tory still has not issued any sort of statement about the shooting that happened two months ago, choosing to keep silent on the matter. Since this is the only thing that people have heard from him, even though the words are being delivered through a middleman, his text message apology is being picked apart all across social media.

People are reading the messages and arguing that, while Tory gets too drunk and shoots people, they get too drunk and order an extra burger at McDonald's by mistake. There is no excuse for shooting somebody. Even if there was a lot of alcohol in his system, it's ridiculous that he would dare to use that as an excuse for threatening Megan's life.
After his texts surfaced via TMZ, Tory's name began trending on Twitter with tons of people rushing to get in their two cents. We've compiled a list of the most popular responses below.