Pornhub is certainly benefiting from the whole world occupying themselves while they're stuck at home in self-isolation due to the spread of coronavirus. The company has seen an immense spike in traffic to their website in the last week, after previously reporting an overall increase in streaming since the coronavirus outbreak. The porn website has broken down the weekly traffic changes both worldwide and within individual countries with some handy graphs, revealing that folks are spending even more time viewing their content than they were the week prior.

There was a worldwide increase in traffic as high as 11.6% this past week, and in the U.S., there was a 5.1% spike in traffic March 13th, and a further 6.4 % spike on March 17th. Italy, the first European country to be put on full lockdown, has seen the largest increase of any individual country, going up a whopping 57% on March 12th. This spike is largely due to the fact that the website has offered a free premium subscription to all of the people of Italy to keep themselves entertained while they are kept in quarantine. In addition to the rise in viewership numbers, the website also noticed that folks were visiting the site at slightly different times than normal.