It's Juneteenth! This is a historical day of remembrance that hasn't been widely recognized in previous years, but due to the recent protests and current political climate, it's now being hailed as an unofficial American holiday. Hundreds of thousands of people have taken to social media platforms to celebrate and recognize when the slaves in remote Texas received the news that two years prior, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing slaves. President Donald Trump reportedly stated that he made Juneteenth famous, and his wife Melania Trump commemorated the day by shared a video to Twitter.

The First Lady of the United States is seen in the video sitting at a far distance in one of the White House's ornately decorated rooms. "Today we celebrate #Juneteenth, the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the end of slavery in the U.S.," she wrote in the caption. "In honor of today, I would like to share the story 'All Different Now' by Angela Johnson, which sheds a light on the first Juneteenth through the eyes of a young girl."
Critics were swift in their takeover as they blasted Melania Trump for her previous birther comments and interviews against former President Barack Obama. Birthers are those who didn't believe that Obama was born in Hawaii but in Africa, therefore discounting his eligibility to be president, according to the guidelines of the U.S. Constitution. Obama supporters accused birthers of being racist and claimed that their attempts to remove the president from office or tarnish his legacy was because he is Black. Check out the clip, and the cringe-y reactions to Melania Trump below.