If you've been keeping up with Trey Songz and his social media content lately, then you'd notice that the singer has switched things up. Trey is using his platform to emphasize Black Lives Matter and to call for political and social justice. In his recent posts, Trey Songz is calling out non-Black people who have taken to social media to share racist, abusive, or offensive language toward or about people of color. One person who has gone viral is a White woman named Lindsay Clarke who uploaded a video saying that she was willing to commit hate crimes against Black people and wished slavery was still a legal institution.
"I just want to let you know, if I see anybody burning an American flag, Black or otherwise, I'll hate crime your ass so hard that you'll be calling yourself Kunta Kinte," Clarke said in the clip. "So, let's grow the f*ck up a little bit. Burning a flag is gonna do nothing but get you, your ass stomped even blacker or dead. 'Cause the funny thing is, you American hating assholes, go to any other country and see how you're treated as an African American. We gave you freedom, you dumb, unthankful, pieces of sh*t. Thank us, the Republicans, for letting you act like assholes." She then said if slavery was legal, she would support it just so Black people wouldn't "destroy our cities" and added, "burn a flag, burn a Black person, I say."
Trey Songz added in the caption that Lindsay Clarke was one of his followers. "🤡 @lindsayclarke7 is a racist, and she follows me. Where the rest of y’all 🙃," he wrote. She's being doxxed throughout social media platforms, and it rumored that she's a former porn actress. Check out Clarke's tirade below.