Even though Ohio rapper Machine Gun Kelly already has millions of dollars in his bank account, an extra mil would have been nice to cover expenses from the holidays. With a pre-teen daughter, the recording artist was likely met with tons of expensive gift ideas. After experiencing an incredibly successful year in both music and entertainment, Kellz felt like lining his pockets even tighter, trying his luck on the lottery. Copping a scratch card from the corner store, MGK took a coin and exposed his earnings, being misled into believing he had just become one million dollars richer.

Maybe next time, Machine Gun Kelly shouldn't light up a fat blunt before scratching out his lottery cards. That could prevent the disappointment he suffered as a result of the THC flowing through his system. Posting a video of himself testing out his luck, Kellz was under the impression that he won $1 million but, upon closer inspection, he was not that fortunate. "IM SO HIGH I THOUGHT I WON A MILL," excitedly wrote the rapper before realizing that no such come-up had been made. Maybe next time.
If you won a million dollars, what would you get yourself? And what do you think Machine Gun Kelly would do with the extra cash?