Virginia native Chris Brown is one of the busiest men in the music industry. He's always doing something creative. Whether he's in the studio working on one of his many feature verses, choreographing his latest dance routines, or directing a music video, the man always finds time to let his creative juices flow. Skilled with a spray paint can, he enjoys showing off his talents on social media, often allowing fans to comment on the artworks that he completes. During his INDIGOAT Tour, the superstar recording artist had decorated his tour bus with a portrait of his girlfriend and a depiction of his favorite super-villain. Now, he's flexing his most recent paint job, shading in a dog's face and writing in the words "Tuff Crowd" atop.

The image appears to be something that Breezy is already integrating into his branding, housing the same logo on the back of his custom jacket. The graffiti job is relatively clean with the dog serving as a tool to see just how strong Brown is with the paint. Seriously, it's pretty impressive.
What do you think of CB's latest artwork? Does it compare to some of the pieces he's displayed in the past? And seriously, when is he going to open an art gallery filled with his own work? That would be ideal.