More protests were held this weekend as we fight to put an end to systemic and institutional racism. There have been so many horror stories coming to life within the last couple of weeks as protestors share their experiences on the front lines. Tear gas, rubber bullets to the face, injuries, and deaths have been reported from demonstrations all over the world, and, in Seattle, another incident went down as a man drove his car into a large group of peaceful protestors before pulling a gun on somebody and shooting them.
On Sunday, a man attempted to run over hundreds of protestors in his car before he was stopped by the crowd. His vehicle was surrounded after coming to a halt and, at that time, the driver brandished a weapon and wounded a demonstrator.
Firefighters took a 27-year-old man to the hospital, who was the only person injured in the shooting. He is in stable condition.
The shooter turned himself into police and is reportedly still in custody.
This is just one of many incidents from this past weekend of protests, marking how important it is to keep fighting for change. Without peaceful demonstrations and organizational support, we will get nowhere.