Childish Gambino isn't afraid to get conceptual. The actor turnt rapper had an insanely elaborate rollout for his sophomore album, because the internet, which hit its peak with the release of a full accompanying screenplay.
Gambino just announced a new mixtape titled, STN MTN / KAUAI, which will apparently pick up where the narrative of his last album left off. “I feel like it’s the first concept mixtape ever,” he said in an interview with Billboard. “It’s a mixtape that goes into the EP but they’re connected. It’s the same character and the same story from because the internet and Camp. It’s kind of like a nice in between for the next album.”
Glover also spoke of his recent collaboration with Ariana Grande, “Break Your Heart Right Back", which appears on her new album, My Everything, and samples Biggie's iconic "Mo Money, Mo Problems" (or at least the source, "I'm Coming Out"). “The song was sent to us and we immediately were like, ‘This is a hit,’” he explained. “She just sounds so good on it and it’s a great song.”
Watch the full interview with Childish below, and look out for the mixtape later this year.
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