YG taught us about "Bickin Back" and "Bein' Bool" on his debut album, My Krazy Life, but today some of his LA fans taught us the importance of "bicketing". Following news that YG's 2014 project (which topped our own Hottest Albums list) would not be nominated for any Grammys, a group of supporters (including quite a few children) took to the Grammy Museum in Los Angeles to protest the decision, before apparently being kicked out of the building.
Many hilarious signs were brought out for the occasion, including one that featured the aforementioned word, "bicketing", as well as messages such as "YG Y NOT?", the simple but effective "Bruh!", and even a "Free Gucci!" for good measure.
View a few photos of the event below, including a tweet from YG himself, who as we know was not too pleased about the nominations either. The Bompton rapper insisted he had no role in organizing the event, accurately describing his fans' actions as "Brazy".
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