Sean Kingston was stopped outside a Dino's Chicken & Burgers in Los Angeles on Saturday night, after LAPD officers got a call that a male was brandishing a firearm at the fast food establishment. Police arrived at around 8:15pm and searched Sean for possession of a gun. The officers ordered at least one man to the ground before handcuffing Sean and leading him to the squad car. However, he was ultimately released after getting questioned, as law enforcement officials were unable to find anything compromising on his person.
Although this is the LAPD's official account of the events that transpired, an eyewitness at the scene tells a different story of how things went down. The observer claims that Sean's car was blocking the exit in the parking lot, making it impossible for anyone to leave the premises. Fellow patrons got irate at Sean, which he returned back at them by throwing ice cubes at the glass windows of the restaurant, creating a loud noise. Whatever the case, Sean remains a free man, which is good news for fans who are looking forward to his collaborative album with former Patriots wide receiver turned rapper, Antonio Brown. The two of them dropped the first single, "Bad Decisions," off the upcoming album last month.