Things aren't looking too good for Iggy Azalea's attempts to block her sex tape from seeing the light of day. Yesterday we reported on how Iggy's legal team threatened to sue the porn company Vivid Entertainment if they try to release the tape under Iggy's name. Now new developments arise, with Iggy's ex-boyfriend (her sex partner in the tape) revealing a few facts to TMZ (who else).
The rapper-ex-boyfriend, Hefe Wine, got Iggy to sign a lengthy contract back in 2009 (a piece of said contract can be viewed in the gallery above), which gives him the exclusive rights to "manufacture, sell, distribute and advertise 'any' recording embodying visual images." The contract was apparently signed in reference to songs and music videos, but Wine believes he can also safely release the sex tape, and that Iggy has no legal rights to block it. What's more, the contracts states that Wine has the "legal right to create, host and maintain a website to market Iggy's works," and thus he could create his own website dedicated to the tape.
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